One day into 2008, and Bed Selig just released his top ten goals for the upcoming season. In a 108 Red Stitches exclusive, we were able to get an advance copy of Selig's diary:

Dear Diary,
Happy New Year! 2007 had a rocky ending but I'm ready to look forward to a steroid free season. Seriously, this time I'm not kidding. So, with your help, here's my list of New Year's Resolutions:

1. Hire someone to take care of Canseco.

2. Make a killer "Bud Selig" create a player in this year's MLB 2K8. Anything less than 50HR/150RBIs and I'll reset my XBox.

3. Read the Mitchell Report and try to get past page 15 without passing out.

4. Win a Suzyn Waldman Look-A-Like-Contest.

5. Forgive Pete Rose.

6. Work on stand up act. See Resolution #5.

7. Hire this guy to lead new MLB tagline Committee.

8. Upload more MLB Fight videos to my youtube account.

9. Finish what I started.


Fondly yours,

Buddy Selig.